
i was having a bit of difficulty completing my storyboard and to be honest, I couldn't even start because of conflicts of interests with the people in my group but we resolved it and started by making a PowerPoint with a shot by shot descriptions and images https://browardcountyschools-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/personal/0619063637_my_browardschools_com/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B4904C169-DA6B-42E3-BECB-AB18B68672F5%7D&file=Presentation6.pptx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.MAIN.MRU&ct=1612582012781&action=edit&mobileredirect=true. we then used the shot by shot comparison to create an actual storyboard of the shots using storyboardthat.com.   I had to do a lot of improvising to get this assignment done but the challenges made me more exuberated and I just had to make it as close to perfect as possible.


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